Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Personalized Healthcare at Proficient Medical Group ensures Personalized Healthcare, high-quality treatment tailored to your health needs. Welcome to (the “Site”). We understand that privacy online is important to users of our Site, especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy policies with respect to those users of the Site (“Visitors”) who visit without transacting business and Visitors who register to transact business on the Site and make use of the various services offered by Proficient Medical Group LLC (collectively, “Services”) (“Authorized Customers”).

Personally Identifiable Information

“Personally Identifiable Information” includes any data that identifies or can be used to identify, contact, or locate an individual. This encompasses names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, financial profiles, social security numbers, and credit card information. It does not include information collected anonymously or demographic information not tied to a specific individual.

What Information is Collected?

We collect basic profile information from all visitors. For Authorized Customers, we gather names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, business details, and advertising inventory information.

Who Collects the Information?

In addition to our collection, third-party service providers like credit card companies and banks may collect information from visitors and Authorized Customers. We ask these parties to disclose their use of personal information but do not control their practices. Some third parties may only act as intermediaries and do not store or use the information.

How is Personally Identifiable Information Used?

We use this information to customize our site, make service offerings, and fulfill requests. We may email visitors and Authorized Customers about relevant opportunities and respond to specific inquiries.

Information Sharing

We may share Personally Identifiable Information about Authorized Customers with other Authorized Customers for potential transactions. We also share aggregated visitor information with affiliates and third-party vendors. Visitors can opt out of receiving information or being contacted by us or our partners.

Information Storage

We securely store Personally Identifiable Information, restricting access to authorized personnel only.

Visitor Choices

Visitors and Authorized Customers can opt out of unsolicited communications by responding to emails or contacting us at 701 Johnston St, Suite #100, Lafayette, LA 70503.


We use cookies to track visitor preferences and secure Authorized Customers. For example, we automatically log off Authorized Customers after 10 minutes of inactivity.

Use of Login Information

We use login data like IP addresses and browser types to analyze trends, administer the site, and gather demographic information.

Access by Partners

We partner with vendors who may access Personally Identifiable Information as needed. Our privacy policy does not cover their use of this information.

Disclosure for Legal Compliance

We disclose Personally Identifiable Information to comply with legal requests, such as court orders or law enforcement inquiries, and to protect visitor and customer safety.

Information Security

Our employees follow security protocols, and access to Personally Identifiable Information is limited. We use encryption for sensitive data. While we implement security measures, we cannot guarantee complete protection against breaches.

Correcting Information

Visitors and Authorized Customers can update or correct their Personally Identifiable Information by emailing us at

Deleting or Deactivating Information

Visitors and Authorized Customers can request deletion or deactivation of their Personally Identifiable Information. While we will make efforts to remove information, residual data may remain due to backups. We will cease using the information after deactivation requests.

Policy Changes

We will notify visitors and Authorized Customers of privacy policy changes by posting updates on our site. If changes affect previously restricted information, we will contact affected individuals to allow them to prevent disclosure.


Our site contains links to other websites. Please review the privacy statements of those sites as their policies may differ from ours.

We understand that your time is valuable, which is why we offer same-day appointments to ensure you receive prompt and efficient Personalized Healthcare. Visit us today and experience the compassionate, high-quality care that makes Proficient Medical Group your go-to Personalized Healthcare provider. Your health is our top priority –contact us now to schedule your appointment for Personalized Healthcare.

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